Sunday, 11 May 2008

Kind of glad other people are a bit confused...

Was trolling some of my regular haunts this morning and I found this great article from WorldChanging. If you don't feel like reading it basically its about a new computer system called BIMstorm which goes through possible scenarios in order to determine the possible downfall of any given urban planning scheme or building proposal from several different angles (urban planning, building and project managment to name a few). Strangely that's not why I'm writing about this article... I really liked this beginning paragraph, as it seems to sum up a great deal of what I've been encountering lately...

"Although we find ourselves in what has been described as a 'technology gap', I would argue that it is better understood as an implementation gap. Companies, governments, and citizens are rallying and attempting to 'solve' global warming. But the dizzying array of potential solutions is intimidating, as they are mostly untried, often politically difficult, and are sometimes proposed and debunked before decision makers had learned what the hell we were talking about, a la the recent biofuels debate. It is an incredibly challenging climate (sorry) in which to formulate policy, fund untried technologies, change behavior, or restructure our bureaucracy."

It really is quite difficult to find an answer to all of the problems we are faced with - but I just try to keep in mind that starting somewhere is key - it may not be perfect but its a start. Which reminds me - we need to stop being so critical about companies that are doing "something" that others think is "not enough", getting going in the right direction is so very important, and we will kill any future improvements if we keep being overly critical. Question policies and greenwashing - certainly, but do praise companies for beginning... its all going to have to start somewhere...

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